2019 ENCATC Research Award Finalist

Doctoral Thesis: “Does sector matter? Plural characteristics and logics in third sector festival organisations” obtained from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland.
Minna Ruusuvirta works as a senior researcher at the Centre for Cultural Policy Research CUPORE (Helsinki, Finland). Her research interests include various cultural policy issues such as local cultural policy, third sector organisations, and art and cultural institutions. She has served as a member of expert working groups on Reform of the Municipal Cultural Activities Act, and on Cultural TEA, a collaborative project led by Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland focusing on data gathering on cultural activities promoting the well-being and health in municipalities.
She holds a PhD in Social Sciences (Cultural Policy) at the University of Jyväskylä. Her PhD thesis Does sector matter? Plural characteristics and logics in third sector festival organisations examined Finnish art and cultural festivals as part of the third sector and its transformations, especially focusing on the phenomenon of marketization.