Deadline: 31 May 2024 at midnight (CEST time).
1. Check your eligibility
To be eligible for the ENCATC Research Award:
- Candidates may be of any nationality and reside in any country worldwide.
- Candidates may be young or emerging researchers who have been recently defended their PhD thesis (up to 2 years after defence of the thesis) and be qualified with cum laude or equivalent highest qualification in the corresponding country’s higher education system.
- Doctoral thesis submitted to the call must be related to the domain of cultural management and or policy.
- Doctoral thesis may be submitted in any language. However, the applicant must submit an extensive summary in English.
- The work submitted for evaluation must be original (except for material in the public domain and/or material included with written permission of the copyright owners). This work cannot have been published previously in any form, whether fully or partially. However, if required, the work can be made available on a university website or in a national library.
- The work submitted for evaluation must not violate or infringe any existing copyright or licence or any other right of any person or party.
- Candidates can apply once only.
2. Find support to your application
Each Award applicant must be supported by his or her university in the form of two letters of recommendation by the members of university’s jury/assessment board involved in the public defense process.
3. Prepare your application and submit documents
Applicant must fill in the online application form and upload the following documents into the online application system:
- CV
- A cover letter
- Original table of contents of the doctoral thesis and a link to the full text
- A 3,000 word summary of the doctoral thesis in English including:
- Aim of the study and research questions
- Theoretical framework
- Methodological approaches, data collection and analysis, and ethical considerations
- Main results of the study
- Theoretical and practical contributions to the field of cultural management and/or policy
- Main references
- Letters of recommendation of two members of university’s jury/assessment board involved in the public defense process
Applications which are incomplete, do not meet eligibility criteria or do not respect the application procedure will be rejected automatically by the system.
ENCATC will send an e-mail to the applicant confirming the acceptance of the entry and facilitating a registration number which should be quoted in all subsequent correspondence.
If the documentation furnished contains correctable errors, ENCATC will notify the applicant to this effect, granting a non-extendible term of five calendar days after the original deadline, in which to rectify the flaws detected, so the entry may be accepted for consideration.
ENCATC undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of all documentation received and will in no event provide itemized or individual information on the applications received or on the deliberations of the Award Jury. All personal information will be treated according to GDPR rules.