1 . Can my PhD thesis be in a language other than English?
Yes, the PhD thesis can be in any language, but the summary must be in English. All the PhD theses must be presented in English although the original version can be in another language. However, in order to be published, the winner will be asked to provide ENCATC with a proof edited manuscript in English.
2. Are letters of recommendation from PhD directors also allowed in the support documents of the application?
We accept a statement from the reviewing committee or from the opponent.
3. My PhD thesis will be published by another publisher in a language other than English. Will ENCATC, Peter Lang, and the Award Jury consider a thesis where a book manuscript in a different language is in the works?
This is a competition and the jury will decide if it is the case or not.
4. I have reworked the structure of the PhD thesis quite a bit in my book proposal, if I do apply for the research award should I include this new structure?
The original version of the PhD thesis should be sent and not any reworked versions.
5. The required description of a thesis summary is 3,000 words. Are references included in 3,000 words?
The references and the bibliography are NOT included in the 3,000 words.
6. One of the requirements is that the thesis must “have the highest qualification in your country’s higher education system“. This system does not apply in my country, where there is just the approved/not approved qualification. However, I have the support of my thesis committee, who can validate the quality of the thesis. Am I still eligible to apply?
If that is the case in your country, you are still eligible to apply and in your application include a supporting letter from the thesis committee.
7. I have completed my thesis, done the public defense, and will submit my post-viva corrections next week. Therefore, my thesis is completed, but it has not yet been officially published, and I haven’t yet officially received my diploma. Am I still eligible to apply?
In this case, you are not eligible to apply this year because the thesis has not been officially published by the deadline of the call. However, the thesis will be eligible for the call in 2019 because it will have been published.
8. In the criteria for the eligibility is that the thesis must have recently been defended and in brackets (4 years after the completion of the thesis). My PhD was completed more than 4 years ago, but it was just now published. Is it eligible for the application?
Yes, based on the publication date of the thesis. This decision is based on the fact that our application instructions mention that the thesis has to be recently published, which means that it does not take a stance in the graduation itself. Usually, these two go hand in hand, meaning that people graduate right after their thesis have been published.
9. Does my thesis needs to be published?
Your thesis needs to be made public on a university website or university library database, but not necessarily edited as a book by a publishing house.
10. Will ENCATC provide proof reading of the winner’s publication in the ENCATC Book Series?
Award winners are responsible for the professional proof reading of their final manuscript in English for publication in the ENCATC Book Series.